Legal Advisory Council

Members | Join the Council

The federal and state legal landscape grows more complex every day. This is particularly true in the realm of health care and employment, which are two key areas of law that impact the cancer community. To address the increasing complexity, Triage Cancer is taking a number of steps, including forming a Legal Advisory Council. The overall goal is to deepen our relationships with the legal community in order to better serve the legal needs of the cancer community.

A wooden gavel sits on a table with law books and the scales of justice faded in the backgroundTriage Cancer’s Legal Advisory Council is made up of leaders in the legal community who have a connection to the cancer community and are interested in our work, and/or lawyers who have a subject matter expertise that pertains to the legal issues often faced by those in the cancer community.

Triage Cancer Legal Advisory Council Members are asked to lend their expertise on substantive areas of cancer-related issues, make recommendations on additional experts and groups we should be engaging, and make recommendations for new members of our Legal Advisory Council, Speakers Bureau, or Board of Directors, so that we may best serve the cancer community. Legal Advisory Council members are asked to participate in an annual conference call meeting of the Council.


Photo of Linda Guthmann Krieger

Linda Guthmann Krieger

Krieger & Krieger, a Law Corporation

Join the Council

Wondering how you can use your legal experience to support the cancer community? To learn more about Triage Cancer’s Legal Advisory Council, please complete the form below. Thank you for your interest!