Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides protections in the workplace for individuals with disabilities, including giving eligible employees access to “reasonable accommodations.” Reasonable accommodations are “any change in the work environment or in the way things are customarily done that enables an individual with a disability to participate in equal employment opportunities.” Reasonable accommodations can be changes in work space, work schedules, or policies, that help you continue to do your job, take time off work, or return to work. Reasonable accommodations can help you manage the side effects that you are experiencing, that may impact your ability to do your job effectively.
Remember that when thinking about possible accommodations that might work for you, that they have to still be “reasonable.” And, one accommodation might not address all of the challenges you are facing, so you may be able to request more than one accommodation. For more information about reasonable accommodations, read our Quick Guide to Reasonable Accommodations.