Triage Cancer Speaker Spotlight: Meet Sage Bolte

Let’s talk about sex.  Who better to reach out to about the issue of sexuality and cancer than our very own Dr. Sage Bolte?  Sage lays out three key points on the topic of sexuality and intimacy and cancer. She first explains that it is completely normal for not only cancer survivors of all ages, but caregivers as well, to experience changes in their sexual self after a cancer diagnosis.  Sage explains that the sexual self is a “holistic idea of who we are as people, and that all of us have this part of us that includes sexual desires,” but there is so much more to it than that. The sexual self also includes how a person views themselves, how they feel about their bodies, and how they feel as a partner. Second, Sage highlights the importance of the survivor being the one who  needs to bring up the topic of sexuality and intimacy to their health care professionals.  Even though many health care professionals try their best to address all areas of quality of life for their patients, typically discussing sexuality and intimacy is not something that they initiate with their patients.  Lastly, Sage reminds us that it is important to remember that there is “hope and healing, and that cancer survivors can have a positive and healthy sexual self after cancer.”

Between taking care of three kids and working multiple jobs, Sage is traveling the country speaking on many different topics.  She loves having the opportunity to be on the Triage Cancer Speakers Bureau, mainly because it provides a necessary resource to survivors, as well as health care professionals. Bolte stresses that “changes cannot occur in the way we provide information and support to our survivors” if health care providers are not educated and comfortable bringing up the topic of sexual health. The Triage Cancer Speakers Bureau provides an essential foundation for health care professionals that can help them increase their comfort with addressing this vital life component.

You can also hear more from Sage on the topic of sexuality and intimacy during next month’s webinar!

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