On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicaid and Medicare into law at a ceremony in Independence, Missouri. Congress passed the Social Security Amendments of 1965, after three previous Presidents had fought for the creation of a national health plan. Former President Truman was issued...

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently announced appointments can now be made by video call. In an effort to streamline appointments and accessibility, individuals can connect with the Social Security Administration from the comfort of their homes. Why Meet with the Social Security Administration? The SSA oversees...

If you are looking to join a cancer support community, attend the 2024 Triage CancerConference! It will cover a wide array of important cancer-related topics, such as help withhealth insurance, disability insurance, employment rights, getting organized, planning ahead,and more. When is the Triage Cancer Conference? The 2024...