In order to receive CEs/contact hours/PDCs, attendees must register individually. Participants who “listen in” on another participant’s phone/computer will not be eligible for credit. Participants must attend, at a minimum, one entire day. Attending a portion of one day will not result in credit. In other words, credit can be received for attending all of day 1, all of day 2, or all of both days.
Post-test & Evaluation
Participants will be emailed a link to the online evaluation and post-test one day after the completion of the event and will have one week to complete both. Participants must receive a passing grade (80%) on the post-test to receive CEs/Contact Hours (please note: this is not required for HR professionals). Participants who do not pass the post-test will be given one opportunity to re-take the test. Instructions and a link to re-take the exam will be emailed to every participant who does not receive a passing grade on the post-test. If participants do not pass the post-test on the second attempt they will not receive credit.