Back to School: Education Rights & Resources

As we draw closer to the Fall season, the back to school scramble is upon us. For children, adolescents, or young adults dealing with a cancer diagnosis, school is just another area that can pose challenges. This time of year is a great opportunity to learn about education rights and resources after a cancer diagnosis, from kindergarten all the way through life after graduate school.

A cancer diagnosis may disrupt the education of children and adolescents, who may need to take time off of, or delay entering, school. Students may also experience cancer-related medical and nonmedical complications while attending school during treatment or returning to school after treatment. helps educate you on laws that help protect students with a disability, such as a cancer diagnosis.

No matter what level of education you’re entering, reasonable accommodations are an important protection to know about. Reasonable accommodations are any changes that help a student overcome challenges associated with their medical condition, while getting an education. For example, once a student receives treatment for a cancer diagnosis they may face side effects that could pose both medical and nonmedical complications related to education. In the free toolkit on, we provide a list of possible accommodations students may be eligible to receive, so that they can successfully balance school and their side effects from treatment.

What about help with schooling later down the road when entering college or graduate school? CancerFinances offer many valuable resources including financial aid programs for graduate or professional students, a list of cancer-specific assistance programs, and so much more.

Need information on managing your student loans?  We’ve got you covered there, too.

If you’re looking for financial assistance in other areas in addition to education, can help! This is an optimal time to organize your personal finances and get educated about other important life issues before the holiday season and start of a new year.

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