Cancer Advocacy

Interested in getting involved in cancer advocacy efforts? Want to help improve the systems that people have to navigate after a cancer diagnosis? Want to advocate for more cancer research funding? Our cancer advocacy materials and resources provide information and tools to help individuals diagnosed with cancer, their caregivers, and health care professionals become educated and empowered advocates.

What is Advocacy?

ad·vo·ca·cy /ˈadvəkəsē/: The application of pressure and influence on the people and/or institutions that have the power to give you what you want.

There are many ways to be an advocate.

Quick Guides

There are many ways to be an advocate for the cancer community. These Quick Guides will teach you about the spectrum of advocacy, and specific ways to engage in legislative advocacy, scientific advocacy, and media advocacy. These materials present information in a brief, easy-to-digest, printable format, and are perfect to share with your community!


Learn the ins and outs of cancer advocacy with our free webinars! Find out how to harness social media to advocate, how you can get involved, and more.

View our webinar schedule to register for an upcoming event.

Triage Cancer's Advocacy Efforts

We're engaged in advocacy efforts on behalf of the cancer community at the federal, state, and local levels! Read an overview of our legislative priorities for the year, or take a look at our legislative advocacy white paper for a more in-depth discussion of these issues. Our charts of current issues also identify ways that you can get involved!

Federal Policy and Legislative Advocacy: Current Issues
Federal Policy and Legislative Advocacy: Successes
Federal Policy and Legislative Advocacy: Past Issues
State Policy and Legislative Advocacy: Current Issues
State Policy and Legislative Advocacy: Successes
State Policy and Legislative Advocacy: Past Issues

Become a Cancer Advocate

Advocating for the cancer community is as simple as registering to vote, contacting your elected officials on social media, and educating yourself about the legislative process!

Register to Vote

Find Your Elected Officials

Common Cause is non-partisan organization that provides information about elected officials at all levels of government.

Learn About Voting Laws In Your State

Contact Elected Officials on Social Media

Members of Congress are increasingly using social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to engage with their constituents. Find your elected official's social media handles here!

Find Legislative Information

Use The Library of Congress to find information on federal bills, resolutions, activity in Congress, the Congressional Record, schedules, calendars, committee information, presidential nominations, treaties, and other government resources.

For state legislative information, Triage Cancer's State Resources are a great place to start.

Infographic: How Does a Bill Become a Law? 

Legislative Calendars

Download the 2024 House Schedule

This calendar indicates the days that the House of Representatives is in session.

Download the 2024 Senate Schedule

This calendar indicates the days (blue dates) that the Senate is in session.

Download the Current State Legislature Calendar

This calendar shows convene and adjourn dates for all 50 state legislatures and Washington, D.C.

Download the Current Congressional Calendar

This calendar provides session dates for both the House and Senate.