Regardless of the type of job you have, if you need to take time off work because of your cancer diagnosis and treatment, you should learn about your employment rights. More people are familiar with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which is the...

Many individuals decide to work through cancer treatment or return to work, while still managing side effects of cancer treatment with medications.  Trying to figure out what has to be disclosed to employers or potential employers is a common concern for individuals.  For more general...

After years of advocating for a national disabilities act in Canada, the calls from disability-rights activists and persons with disabilities have been answered. Carla Qualtrough, minister of sport and persons with disabilities, initiated a pending national act for people with disabilities that will be enacted sometime...

Navigating employment after a cancer diagnosis is a challenges issue for many employees because of the balance between money, time, and abilities.  In the US, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides legal protection against employment discrimination and access to reasonable accommodations. While the ADA is...