Sharing Your Cancer Diagnosis: You Have Options

The decision to share information about your medical condition with other people is a very personal decision.

There are many reasons why someone would want to disclose their diagnosis, such as for support from their friends and family.
But there are equally as many reasons why someone would want to keep their diagnosis private.

For example, you may have a job where you think disclosure might impact your employment, you may not want to be treated differently, or you may just be a private person.

Many people were surprised to learn that actress, Kelly Preston, passed away from breast cancer, because she had not been public with her diagnosis.

When someone is diagnosed with cancer there is a lot of information to process and decisions to make. While disclosure decisions are often not a priority, they are still important to consider, sooner, rather than later. And, it is important that people understand that they have choices and that the law provides privacy protections.

Triage Cancer has a number of resources that cover those protections and the choices that you have:

Triage Cancer Quick Guide to Disclosure, Privacy, & Medical Certification Forms
Triage Cancer Webinar on Disclosure After a Cancer Diagnosis

We even have a resource for health care professionals to support them in helping their patients make disclosure decisions and complete certifications forms, such as for FMLA leave and reasonable accommodations under the ADA.

There are also some key things to consider about disclosure when you are thinking about crowdfunding or participating in cancer community adventures or camps.

For more information about your employment rights, visit

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