Estate Planning State Laws:
Remote Execution of Estate Planning Documents

This chart highlights the state laws related to remote execution of estate planning documents, such as e-wills, remote notarization.

If you don't find what you're looking for, see our chart of state laws related to Creating a Valid Will, Death with Dignity, and Funeral Designations.

For more information, see our Estate Planning Materials & Resources, and our State-Specific Estate Planning Toolkit.

StateState Allows for Remote Execution of Estate Planning DocumentsNotes
ALABAMAAdopted Remote Notarization
ALASKAAdopted Remote Notarization
ARIZONAAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization
ARKANSASAdopted Remote Notarization
CALIFORNIAAdopted Remote Notarization (awaiting implementation) notarization has been enacted but has not been implemented; implementation date may be as late as 1/1/2030
COLORADOAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization
CONNECTICUTAdopted Remote Notarization (but cannot be used for a will) remote notarization but estate planning documents cannot be remotely notarized.
DELAWAREAdopted Remote Notarization notarization will be effective on August 01, 2023.
*DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAAdopted E-wills and Adopted Remote Notarization (awaiting implementation) Notarization has been enacted but has not been implemented; E-wills has been enacted and implemented
FLORIDAAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization
GEORGIAEmergency Action ended. Remote notarization is still under discussion.
HAWAIIAdopted Remote Notarization
IDAHOAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization E-Wills in 2023
ILLINOISAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization,2%20or%20more%20credible%20witnesses.
INDIANAAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization
IOWAAdopted Remote Notarization
KANSASAdopted Remote Notarization
KENTUCKYAdopted Remote Notarization
MAINEAdopted Remote Notarization
MARYLANDAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization§ion=4-102#:~:text=%C2%A74%E2%80%93102.,competent%20to%20make%20a%20will.&text=(ii)%20The%20electronic%20presence%20of,(d)%20of%20this%20section.
MASSACHUSETTSAdopted Remote Notarization
MICHIGANAdopted Remote Notarization
MINNESOTAAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization E-wills in 2023
MISSISSIPPIAdopted Remote Notarization
MISSOURIAdopted Remote Notarization
MONTANAAdopted Remote Notarization
NEBRASKAAdopted Remote Notarization
NEVADAAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization
NEW HAMPSHIREAdopted Remote Notarization
NEW JERSEYAdopted Remote Notarization (but cannot be used for a will) remote notarization but estate planning documents cannot be remotely notarized.
NEW MEXICOAdopted Remote Notarization
NEW YORKAdopted Remote Notarization
NORTH CAROLINAAdopted Remote Notarization (awaiting implementation and cannont be used for a will) notarization does not become effective until July 1, 2024
NORTH DAKOTAAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization
OHIOAdopted Remote Notarization notary is allowed, remote witnessing is not
OKLAHOMAAdopted Remote Notarization notary is allowed, remote witnessing is not
OREGONAdopted Remote Notarization
PENNSYLVANIAAdopted Remote Notarization
RHODE ISLANDAdopted Remote Notarization
SOUTH CAROLINANo Remote Notarization; allows electronic notarization electronic notarization but not remote notarization
SOUTH DAKOTAAdopted Remote Notarization notary is allowed, remote witnessing is not
TENNESSEEAdopted Remote Notarization
TEXASAdopted Remote Notarization notary is allowed, remote witnessing is not
UTAHAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization
VERMONTAdopted Remote Notarization notary is allowed, remote witnessing is not
VIRGINIAAdopted Remote Notarization notary is allowed, remote witnessing is not
WASHINGTONAdopted E-wills and Remote Notarization
WEST VIRGINIAAdopted Remote Notarization notary is allowed, remote witnessing is not
WISCONSINAdopted Remote Notarization
WYOMINGAdopted Remote Notarization
GUAMAdopted Remote Notarization Guam Code §§ 33801-811
Last Updated6/12